To have a successful business, you have to provide good customer service to your targeted audience. It will make the customers to be loyal to your business and they will help to build a positive reputation for your company by providing good reviews and recommending other to your company. One of the leading examples Bloombergsen Inc. provides investment advisory services. The Company offers investment management and consulting services to pooled investment vehicles. BloombergSen Investment Partners serves clients in Canada.
Here are few points to explain why good customer service is crucial.
Revenue increases with good customer service:
The value of your business is decided by the revenue you generate. The success and failure of the company are based on profit and loss.
When you provide better customer services that will help in attracting more audience which will help your business in revenue increase. Research says that 80% of the businesses that are continuously working to improve their customer services have seen a constant increase in their revenue.
Happy customers build a better reputation:
When you provide better customer service to your customers and if your customers are satisfied with your service then it can help in building a positive reputation for your business. If you have a good reputation in the market then you can easily attract more customers, investors, partnerships, and employees to your business. To improve the reputation of your business, you need to provide better services to your customers.
One of the studies says if your customer is happy with the service you provide then there is a 69% chance that they will recommend your company to others.
Retention correlates to customer satisfaction:
“If you make a sale, you can make a living. If you make an investment of time and good service in a customer, you can make a fortune”, said Jim Rohn, author of 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness: Power Ideas from America’s Foremost Business Philosopher. Emanuel James Rohn is also known as Jim Rohn, was an American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker.
To have a successful business the best option is to carve customer retention. To provide a solid foundation to your organization, you should have a talent not just to attract the audience but also should know how to retain your customers.
When you provide excellent service to your customers, it has a 75% probability that your customers will return to your company. In recent times customer satisfaction is more important than product satisfaction or product value.
Churn decreases with more customer care:
The Churn is used to measure the number of customers who have left after shopping. It provides you a fair measurement of your customer’s satisfaction. If you are not able to satisfy your customers it will cause customer churn. Your customers will shift to other companies and if you want to stop this from happening then try to focus on providing excellent service to your customers.
CLTV improves with better customer service:
CLTV (customer lifetime value) directly relates to the company’s revenue.
It is used to provide details about the amount of money an individual customer brings to the company during the course of their engagement with the organization.
The customer who is highly engaged with your organization has a 90% chance that they will buy from your company and they have 3 times more annual value then normal customers.