As a residential or commercial building owner, ensuring it is safe for occupation is vital. Asbestos, minerals known for their heat and corrosion resistance, can be present in buildings, especially old ones. Such minerals also possess critical health conditions if inhaled and in long-term exposure.
Hence, if you plan to sell a property, you should consider getting an asbestos building survey before putting it on the market.
For a comprehensive understanding of the significance of asbestos surveys when selling your property, check out the following information:
Why Conduct an Asbestos Survey?
Legal Compliance
In many regions, compliance with regard to asbestos regulations is mandatory. An asbestos survey aids property sellers in fulfilling their legal obligations and prevents potential legal issues.
Buyer Confidence
Providing probable buyers with an asbestos survey report gives them confidence, showing transparency and commitment to their safety and overall well-being.
The Survey Process
Access and Inspection
The surveyor will need full access to your property to conduct a thorough asbestos building inspection. This usually includes checking hidden areas like wall cavities and ceiling voids.
Sampling and Laboratory Analysis
The next step is sampling suspect asbestos-containing materials, which are then sent to a laboratory for analysis. This procedure is crucial in confirming the presence or absence of asbestos.
Report and Management Plan
When completed, you will receive a comprehensive asbestos survey report outlining the building’s location, condition, and risk assessment of any identified ACMs. It also shows a management plan for their safe handling.
Get an Asbestos Survey Today!
Conducting an asbestos survey when selling your property is not just a legal requirement. It’s a responsible and ethical practice. It protects you, your buyers, and your property’s value by openly identifying and managing asbestos risks. By engaging a qualified surveyor and understanding the process, you can streamline your property sale and ensure a safe transition for all parties involved.
Consider hiring Global Asbestos Audits if you want your property examined for asbestos. They specialise in detecting, testing for, and reporting the presence of asbestos. Contact Global Asbestos Audits here to schedule an inspection!