Having a good look can be different for a lot of people. Some may find beauty in having smaller eyes, fuller lips or contoured face such as seen in the internet or models. There are many ways a person can do to help achieve this such as using makeup or skincare products. Some may even opt for plastic surgery to help improve their looks or wanting to have a certain facial feature that is unable to gain merely from makeup. In this DoctorOnCall’s article, we will be learning more about one of the surgeries done mostly for cosmetic purposes known as a chin implant.
Chin implants are one of the ways for plastic surgeons to improve a person’s chin. Good chin implants are made of safe and pliable material that comes with wide ranges of size and shape. Chin implants are used in chin surgery or called a ‘genioplasty’. Some may even refer to it as an Asian V-Line surgery. Apart from chin implant that is used to balance the face appearance by making the chin longer or bigger compared to the nose, additional surgery such as reshaping the bones, nose jobs (rhinoplasty) and removing excess fat in the area through liposuction is commonly done at the same time during the chin implants. Chin implants surgery typically takes less than 1 hour to perform but may take up to 3 hours if additional procedures are needed.
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Chin implant, just as any other surgery, comes with risks. Remember that chin implant surgery aims to help improve a person’s look and not perfection. Risks listed below should be discussed with a surgeon before taking the final decision to undergo the surgery:
1) Damages to the mandibular nerve. Such damages may cause permanent loss of movement of the lower lip.
2) Damages to the mental nerve. Such damages may cause altered sensation of the chin, lower lip and teeth.
3) Damages to the teeth, gums and surrounding nerves.
4) Movement of the implant. Implant malposition causes the implant to shift from the original location which leads to the implant to not be properly placed and appear visibly crooked.
5) Infection. Risk of infection may be high if the procedure of chin implant is placed from the inside of the mouth. Antibiotics before, during and after procedure can help to minimise infection.
6) Visible scarring. This may be caused by poor healing of the incision or when the incision is not closed properly.
7) Hematoma. Internal bleeding that may occur.
8) Side effects from anaesthesia such as drowsiness.
If you do end up experiencing any complication from the surgery, do talk to your healthcare provider and let them know what you are experiencing. They may put you into medication or consider a revision surgery to help improve your condition. Most patients with chin implant surgery are able to do daily activities within 7 days after the surgery. Minimal discomfort is expected and can be controlled with painkiller or cold compress. Results can be seen within one month after surgery and are considered final after 3 months. Chin implants should last for a lifetime unless there is trauma to the face that could damage the chin implant or other foreseen reasons causing the chin implant improperly placed.
It is important to make sure a plastic surgery done is made by a surgeon that is certified and registered with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC). Do thorough research before deciding to get plastic surgery as there are many cases of fraud that may affect you badly and may lead to life-threatening conditions. Plus, this is not a cheap procedure unfortunately. Hence, be wise and be careful.