Healthy plants are a result of healthy soil. With healthy soil, there is little need for pesticides or fertilizer. Soil rich in humus results from deteriorating materials such as animal compost, grass, and leaves. It can hold water, but it drains very well. Fertile soil aids plants. It is loose and very fluffy with filled minerals, contains living organisms like bacteria and fungi that aids in preserving the soil nutrient. SoHum super soil is one of the most recommended products that might just help you improve your soil for planting season.
How to know if your soil is healthy
Potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus are the most vital elements for plant growth. They are the primary macronutrients. Products from your plants abound in quantity. They are also the most valuable ingredients in fertilizer.
Magnesium, sulfur, and calcium are the primary elements. They are crucial to many plants but not all. Other lesser elements include zinc, copper, iron manganese, and boron. They can also be called micronutrients. Some of them have specified functions, for instance, cobalt is not required by many plants, but it aids legumes to restore nitrogen.
Another requirement of the soil is a balanced acid-alkaline, also known as pH reading. If your soil has been tested and has enough of the above, it is set for planting. Need more advice? Check out the properties on SoHum super soil.
How do you test your soil?
The most proven way to determine your soil nutrient is to test it. During the test, soil potassium, magnesium, pH, phosphorus, calcium, and, more often than not, nutrients in the soil are determined.
Micronutrients might always be tested, but it is not necessary for you if you add enough organic matter to your growing tomato. You can do this yourself with the Rapitest Soil Test Kit or any other one, just make sure the standard does not fall far from SoHum super soil.
How to improve your soil
Most soil can be enriched by adding organic matter. Organic matters soften the soil making it easier to dig. It aids the sand in holding moisture, adds nutrients to the soil, and lessens tight clay.
Some Organic matter additives include the following:
Mix the soil with manure before planting. Avoid fresh manure. It can harm your plant, and disease might invade your farm. Do this at least three months before planting. Mix it into your soil before planting. Other organic matters include sawdust, green manure, and plant materials.