Among all the different types of pets you can get, dogs are one the most social animals who are always in dire need of attention. Dogs love to spend time with their family thus when they are alone at home, the situation can be tough for them. Due to a lack of social attention, they can get frustrated and bored. The major problem starts when they channel their frustration through destructive ways such as chewing furniture, footwear, or just by wreaking havoc in the house. Thus to prevent all this damage and to keep the mental state of your pet happy, here are few ways to keep your dog busy when they are home alone.
Using Background Noise as a distraction.
The dead silence of the house can be filled with background noise from radio or television. This eases your dogs when no one is nearby. When a dog hears a sound from other people or animals through television or radio, they feel that they are in a safe environment. This is a non-destructive way to entertain them.
Let them have a view of what’s going on outside.
While leaving your house you can make sure that your dog gets an outdoor view. You can keep the curtains open from them so that they can look out in your backyard or front yard. Balconies also prove to be a good spot for this. Avoid this for dogs who tend to bark at everything.
Have someone over to walk or ‘dogsit’ your pet.
When your dog is usually left alone at home due to your working schedule, then hiring someone to take them for a walk can prove a stress reliever for your pet. Having a visitor also ensures that there is some to keep an eye on them, feed them during the day, and spend some time with them.
Keep them busy with some dog puzzles or toys.
There are special types of toys available for dogs that require them to figure out something and provide mental stimulation to your dog. This keeps your dog busy for a long time of day and also helps them to grow mentally. Hollow toys are the type of toys that can be filled with treats like peanut butter and prove to be quite playful. Such activities make your dog happy and they feel tired after some time and doze off.
Thus these ideas will help your dog to have a good time even when they are alone at home.