Ear infections can affect both adults and children. Infections typically occur in the middle ear, where germs from the nose and throat can become trapped. While a wait-and-see approach may be tempting, neglecting ear infections can lead to hearing damage or require more complex treatments in the future. Although less common than other illnesses, ear infections are more likely to require quick attention. You can contact us for ear infection treatment in Friendswood, TX. This article provides insights into ear infections—continue reading to learn more.
What Is An Ear Infection?
An ear infection is an infection of the middle ear, located behind the eardrum. This type of infection is called otitis media. The region can be infected when germs from the nose and throat cavities are trapped there. Ear infections are most common in young children and are the most prevalent type of ear infection in this age group.
What Are the Common Causes of Ear Infections?
Middle ear infections are caused by viruses and bacteria. A small tube, called the eustachian tube, links the ear to the throat. A cold can lead to swelling in the eustachian tube, blocking it and causing fluid to accumulate in the ear. This creates an ideal environment for germs to multiply and cause an infection.
What Are the Symptoms That Require an ER Visit for an Ear Infection?
Due to the uncertainty about the type of infection, seek prompt medical attention if you experience one or more of the following symptoms:
- Severe ear pain that doesn’t subside with over-the-counter pain relief
- Fever higher than 102°F (39°C)
- Hearing loss or difficulty hearing in one or both ears
- Drainage of fluid or pus from the ear, especially if it’s bloody
- Persistent ear pressure or a feeling of fullness in the ear
- Dizziness or loss of balance
- Severe headache or neck stiffness
- Pain radiating to the jaw, neck, or face
- Nausea or vomiting accompanying ear pain
- Worsening symptoms that do not improve after a few days
How to Treat an Ear Infection
A medical professional can identify a middle ear infection by inquiring about symptoms and doing an examination. The physician will inspect your child’s ear to assess the eardrum and search for pus in the middle ear. The immune system often fights off middle ear infections naturally, making antibiotics unnecessary in some cases. Severe middle ear infections or those persisting beyond 2–3 days need immediate antibiotic treatment. For a minor middle ear infection, your healthcare provider may suggest watchful waiting or delayed antibiotic treatment. Consult your physician if the symptoms do not improve. Children may need follow-up if they are under 6 months of age or if the infection is severe. Minor surgery to insert tubes in the ears can help alleviate recurrent infections or hearing problems.
Effective Tips for Preventing Ear Infections
To mitigate the risk of ear infections, it is essential to maintain personal health and promote the well-being of others. Here are some tips to prevent ear infections:
- Keep ears dry – Dry ears after swimming or bathing.
- Avoid ear objects – Don’t use cotton swabs in the ear.
- Control allergies – Manage allergies to reduce congestion.
- Treat colds early – Address colds to avoid ear issues.
- Breastfeed infants – Boost immunity and reduce ear infections.
- Avoid smoke – Stay away from secondhand smoke.
- Wash hands – Practice good hygiene to prevent germs.
- Use ear protection – Wear earplugs when swimming or in loud environments.
- Get vaccinated – Stay updated on vaccines like flu shots.
- Strengthen immunity – Eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep.
Don’t Let Ear Infections Hold You Back—Visit Friendswood Hospital in Friendswood, TX for Fast Relief!
Minor injuries and damage to the external ear can usually be managed at home; however, any injury that causes bleeding or fluid discharge from the ear, as well as any tearing or detachment of the outer ear, requires evaluation at The Emergency Room. Friendswood Hospital is ready to address life-threatening issues quickly. Your emergency or concern is our top priority. Contact us today or visit our emergency room in Friendswood, TX.