Day: July 24, 2024

Teeth Grinding

The Truth About Teeth Grinding — Causes, Consequences, and Customized Treatment Options

Teeth Grinding, or bruxism, is a condition that can have a considerable effect on oral health, but it is often overlooked. An involuntary habit of grinding, gnashing, or clenching the teeth occurs in sleep and is called sleep bruxism. Some individuals also experience these when they are awake. It is called awake bruxism. If you […]

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 Validity Period of Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate for New Cars   

Purchasing a new car is a significant investment and involves emotional and financial commitment. After all the research, when you finally choose or buy your dream car, the task just doesn’t end here. The next thing that comes up is choosing from the various car insurance.  To drive a car legally without any chaos, you […]

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